I was very pleased to stumble upon a new antique shop in Flemington the other day . When I entered I realized that it was a new location for a store that had been in Flemington for many years. The store is called Lady Like Antiques. I had purchased some blue and White dishes and bowls from Maxine years earlier and was very happy with the experience. The new store is 3 times the size and I was surprised. Most of my work now is quite modern and casual. It is not that I don't like antiques. It is more that people are not embracing fine things as much. In fact, clients are often asking me where to donate their finer things because their children don't want them. Maxine Stadele, the owner, has a wonderful collection of dishes, artwork, silver and many beautiful things. She will be my guest this Wednesday at 2pm on Modern Design on Hunterdon chamber radio. Please tune in and listen to how we suggest you combine antiques with modern décor to make your home sparkle. Go to www.hunterdonchamberradio. Click on Modern Design and join us. You can call in live at 2-3 pm live @908-237-0410.